
Poems Online – selected

Poems in Print – selected

  • “Spring, Again” and “from A Death Diary: Day 21,” G U E S T, Issue 11
  • from “MOTHERSALT: A Lyric,” Columbia Journal, Spring 2019
  • “Notes from the Birth Year: On Breastfeeding,” Washington Square Review, Spring 2019
  • “from MOTHERSALT: A Lyric [32 Weeks, 5 Days; 37 Weeks, 4 Days; and 37 Weeks, 5 Days],” CALYX, Vol. 31.1
  • “Ode to Mochi” and “Origin and Departure,” The Massachusetts Review, Vol. 59.4
  • “from MOTHERSALT: A Lyric [34 weeks, 4 days],” Indiana Review, Vol. 40.1
  • “Cebu,” Cimarron Review, Issue 194
  • “In the Womb” and “Prayer,” Smartish Pace, Issue 22
  • “Wild” and “[Not the river],” Mid-American Review, Vol. XXXV, No. 2
  • “The Locks,” The Greensboro Review, Number 94
  • “As If,” Best New Poets 2012, Meridian/Samovar Press
  • Crossing,” “[This kind of morning],” “On Terror,” “This Is Not a Story” and “Interior Security Regulations,” Asian American Literary ReviewVol. 3.2

Poems in Anthologies

  • (un)seen, ed. Arlyn Miller (Poetic License Press, forthcoming)
  • Responses, New writings, Flesh, ed. Ronaldo Wilson, Bhanu Kapil, and Mg Roberts (Nightboat Books, forthcoming)
  • Nikkei Incarceration Poetry Anthology, ed. Brynn Saito and Brandon Shimoda (Haymarket Books, forthcoming 2025)
  • Braving the Body, ed. Pichchenda Bao, Nicole Callihan and Jennifer Franklin (Small Harbor Publishing, 2024)
  • They Rise Like A Wave: An Anthology of Asian American Women Poets, ed. Christine Kitano and Alycia Pirmohamed (Blue Oak Press, 2022)
  • The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets on Faith and Spirit, ed. Lee Herrick and Leah Silvieus (Orison Books, 2020)
  • Ink Knows No Borders: Poems of the Immigrant and Refugee Experience, ed. Patric Vecchione and Alyssa Raymond (Triangle Square, 2019)
  • Dismantle: An Anthology of Writing from the VONA/Voices Writing Workshop (Thread Makes Blanket Press, 2014)

Book Reviews & Editorial

Essays & Interviews